Other Loan Schemes under Priority Sector
Agricultural Implements
Agriculture being the backbone of the Indian Economy, Baroda U.P. Bank, is contributing significantly in accelerating the pace of rural development by providing finance to farmers.
The mode of finance covers activities for purchase of indigenous.
and improved agriculture equipments/ implements such as sprayers, dusters, hand tools such as khurpi, sickles, secatures, etc, threshers, winnowers, seed-cum-fertilizer drill and bullock or camel and or animal drawn cart etc.
Progressive, literate and illiterate farmers who are owner of land, cultivators.
Nature Of Facility
Demand loan / Term loan.
Repayment Schedule
Repayment period is fixed on, based on income generation of the farmer and seasonality of the crops.
Maximum period is 7 years.
Small Road Transport Operators
Any person who desire to have a vehicle for commercial purpose can approach the bank for faster availment of the credit.
Saral Vyapar Yojna
A unique scheme for the retail traders wth least paper formalities and hassle free credit.
Scheme For Professionals
The professionals and self employed viz.doctors, engineers, lawyers, architects, chartered accountants, teachers etc. have an opportunity with the bank to set their business in their own way.
Swarojgar Credit Card
A revolving credit facility for rural poor including rural artisans, fishermen, rickshaw pullers etc upto Rs. 1,00,000.00
Krishak Awas Rin Yojna
Scheme for owning a house in rural areas by the farmers.