Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centers by Agriculture Graduates

Agriculture being the backbone of the Indian Economy, Baroda U.P. Bank, is contributing significantly in accelerating the pace of rural development by providing finance to farmer. With diversification and modernization of agricultural practices, the need to augment support and extension services to farmers was felt.


To provide expert advice to farmers on cropping practices, technology dissemination, crop protection from pests and diseases, market trends and prices of various crops and clinical services for animal health to enhance the productivity of crops/animals.


These centers to provide a package of soil testing input testing transfer of technology and extension services to farmers.


An unemployed Agricultural graduate in subjects like horticulture, animal husbandry, forestry, dairy, veterinary, poultry farming, pisciculture and other allied activities including new emerging areas in agriculture sectors trained by accredited training institute of MANAGE / or other institutions.

Nature Of Facility

Term loan for capital expenditures & Cash credit for working capital requirements.

Repayment Schedule

12 month for cash credit and monthly/qtly/half yearly and annual installments for term loan maximum 7 years.